Wednesday 4 November 2015


Skin is the most important part of the body that need to be considered in the layout skin beauty. An understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the skin will help simplify skin care to get skin fresh, moist, smooth, supple and clean.

Skin is the largest organ that covers the entire body, wrap the meat and organs in it. Extensive skin average + 2 square meters with a weight of 10 kg when weighed 4 kg fat or no fat or if it weighs about 16% of a person's weight.

Skin has the function of protecting the body from various disorders and external stimuli. This protection function occur through a number of biological mechanisms, such as the formation of the horny layer continuously (keratinization and release cells dead epidermis), respiration and body temperature regulation, the production of sebum and sweat as well as the formation of the pigment melanin to protect the skin from dangerous rays ultra violet sun.

The properties of anatomical and physiological skin in various areas of the body are very different. The properties of a typical anatomical, closely linked to the demands of different physiologic in each area of the body, like the skin on the palms, soles of the feet, eyelids, armpits and the other part is a reflection of the adjustment to 58 functions each - each.
In order beauty, skin care and facial primary emphasis to get an attractive appearance. Whole body or body, must be treated properly and be kept clean, healthy, soft, fresh and beautiful. Specifically related to the body, all women want the ideal body shape, the body is slim, solid, beautiful and can be enhanced by the appearance of healthy skin. We need to give special attention in skin care because we live in a tropical country that always heat valve, and the skin is the first defense against the environment around us, our skin also most bothered by the sun and dirt sweat body.
Beauty treatments, has been known since centuries ago. Cleopatra milk bath accustomed to maintain smoothness, softness and beauty of the skin. Women in some countries accustomed to applying an assortment of oils and spices for body toning, smoothing the skin, to make the young. In line with the progress of time, the current can be obtained various kinds of cosmetics in various brand for facial and body treatments including skin care. The problem is how to choose a suitable cosmetics with skin conditions and also affordable to our finances.


The structure of skin consists of three layers namely: the epidermis (epidermis), as the outermost layer, the cuticle and connective tissue under the skin (tela subkutanea, hypodermic or subcutaneous).

As an illustration, a cross-sectional and visualization of the skin layer structure can be seen in the following figure:

1. Epidermis

The epidermis is the outermost part of the skin that is most interesting to note in skin care, for cosmetic use in the epidermis. The thickness of the epidermis varies in different parts of the body, most measuring 1 millimeter thick, for example on the palms of hands and soles of the feet, and the thinnest measuring 0.1 millimeters contained in the eyelids, cheeks, forehead and stomach. Epidermal cells called keratinocytes. The epidermis is firmly attached to the dermis as a functional epidermis obtain nutrients and fluids between cells of plasma that seeps through the walls of the capillary dermis into the epidermis. In the epidermis differentiated into five layers of the skin, namely: Layer horn (stratum corneum), the clear layer (stratum lucidum) is also called the barrier layer, granular layer (stratum granulosum), bertaju layer (stratum spinosum) is also called the Malpighian layer, seed layer (Stratum Germ or Stratum Basale).

2. Dermis

Leather hides or dermis become a sensitive nerve endings, where the presence of bladder hair, sweat glands, blood vessels and lymph, and hair enforcement muscle (Muscle Arektor Pili).

The cells of the hair bulb at the base of the hair bladder, continually divide to form the hair shaft. Pallid gland attached to the hair bladder tract, produce oil that reaches the surface of the skin through hair bladder estuary. Cuticle often called real leather and 95% cuticle form of skin thickness. The average thickness of the cuticle is estimated between 1-2 mm and the thinnest available in the eyelids and thickest contained in the palms and soles of the feet.
The existence of nerve endings in the skin hides flavorings, allows to distinguish the various stimuli from the outside. Taste buds each has a specific function, such as nerve with function detects pain, touch, pressure, heat, and cold. Taste buds also allow immediately react to things that can harm us. If we suddenly become very afraid or very tense, muscular enforcement hair stuck to the hair bladder, will shrink and make the hairs or hair stand on end. Yan pallid gland attached to the hair bladder produce oil to lubricate the surface of the skin and the hair shaft. Secretion of oil expelled through the mouth of the hair bladder. Sweat glands produce sweat liquid released onto the surface of the skin through the pores of the skin.

Reduced protein will cause the skin to become less elastic and easily loosens up wrinkles arise. Another factor that causes wrinkled skin that is a factor of age or malnutrition. From this it appears that the function of collagen have an important role for skin health and beauty. It should be noted that the injury that occurred in the cuticle can cause permanent disability, this is due to the cuticle does not have the ability to repair itself like those of the epidermis. In the cuticle layer, there are two kinds of sweat glands are glands (which there are eccrine sweat glands and apocrine sweat glands) and pallid gland.


Skin color is very diverse, from smooth white, yellow, brown, reddish or black. Each color has its own uniqueness which if treated properly can display an interesting character. Skin color is mainly determined by: red Oxyhemoglobin reduced red hemoglobin bluish, brown melanin, which gives the appearance of an opaque keratohyalin on the skin, as well as the stratum corneum layer which has a white color yellowish or grayish.

Of all building materials color, most determines skin color is melanin pigment. The amount of melanin pigment in the skin is determined by factors of race, people, and environment. Melanin is made from an amino acid tyrosine and the oxidation, tyrosine is converted into melanin grains are brown, and for this process is the need for enzyme tyrosinase and oxygen. Oxidation of tyrosine into melanin went more smoothly at higher temperatures or under ultraviolet light. Number, type, size and distribution of melanin pigment will determine the skin color variation various categories of race or nation in the world. The process of formation of the skin pigment melanin occurs in grains melanosomes produced by melanocyte cells that occur between cells in the basal keratinocyte layer of the seed.


Attempts to correct skin care can be done by first need to know the kinds of skin and characteristics or its properties in order to determine the ways of proper care, choosing the appropriate cosmetics, specify colors for makeup and to determine corrective actions both in care as well as in cosmetology.

Healthy skin has a characteristic: The skin has enough moisture, so it looks wet or dewy, supple and toned skin always, Displays the actual brightness of the skin color, skin looks smooth, soft and free of blemishes, acne or a fungus, skin looks fresh and radiant, have little wrinkles with age.

In general, human skin types can be grouped into:

C.1. Normal skin

Normal skin tends to easily treated. Oil glands (sebaceous glands) in normal skin usually 'not recalcitrant', because of oil (sebum) issued balanced, not excessive or shortage. However, normal skin should still be maintained in order to constantly clean, toned, soft and fresh. If not promptly cleaned up, the dirt on normal skin can be acne. Furthermore untreated skin will be susceptible to premature aging such as wrinkles and zoom seemed tired.

The characteristics of normal skin is the skin soft, moist dewy, fresh and luminous, smooth and seamless, with no acne, elastic, and it does not look excessive oil also does not look dry.

Even if viewed at a glance not problematic, normal skin should still be maintained and cared for, because if untreated, normal skin elasticity and moisture will be disturbed, there is accumulation of dead skin and dirt can cause acne.

C.2. Oily Skin

Oily skin is experienced by many women in the tropics. Due to hormonal influences, oily skin is common in girls aged about 20 years, although there are also women aged 30-40 years who experience it. Causes Oily skin is due to oil glands (sebaceous glands) very productive, so not able to control the amount of oil (sebum) that must be removed. Sebaceaous gland on oily skin that is usually located in the dermis layer, easily triggered to work more actively. The trigger can be either internal factors or external factors, namely: internal factors (include: genetic factors and hormonal factors) as well as external factors (include: hot or humid air and food can stimulate perspiration as the food was too spicy either as chilli or pepper, the food was too salty, spicy pungent foods like garlic, the food is too greasy as well as food and drinks that are too hot.

Oily skin requires special care than normal skin. On this type of skin, excessive oil that is left will be a good medium for bacterial growth in the next moment will be acne, inflammation or infection.

C.3. Dry Skin

Dry skin has a characteristic that is quite troublesome for the owner, because in general the effects of dry skin is not fresh on the skin, and kulitpun tend to look wrinkled. Dry skin oil or sebum levels are very low and tend to be sensitive, so it looks parched because the skin is unable to retain moisture. The hallmark of dry skin is the skin feels as stiff as interested after washing the face and will subside once coated with moisturizing cream. The skin condition can become worse when exposed to wind, weather changes from cold to hot or vice versa. Lines or wrinkles around the cheeks, eyes and around the lips can occur easily in the face of dry skin.

Various factors that cause the skin to become dry, including: genetic factors, skin structure condition, diet, environmental factors, and skin diseases.

C.4. Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin diagnosis based on the symptoms of the addition of color, and fast reactions to stimuli. Sensitive skin is usually thinner than other types of skin so it is very sensitive to things that can cause allergies (allergens). Capillary blood vessels and nerve endings in the skin sensitive situated very close to the skin surface. If exposed to the allergen, the reaction was very fast.

Forms of reaction in sensitive skin usually in the form of red patches, itching, irritation to the wound which if not treated properly will be seriously affected. The redness in sensitive skin due to allergen spur blood vessels and increase blood flow to the skin surface. By its nature earlier, sensitive skin care is intended to protect the skin as well as reduce and mitigate irritation.

C.5. Combination skin or skin Mixed

Genetic factors cause the skin combinations are found in Asia. Many women, especially in the eastern tropical regions that have a combination skin: dry-oily or normal-oily. Under certain conditions sometimes encountered oily skin sensitive. Combination skin occurs when the amount of oil on the face is uneven. In certain parts of the sweat glands are very active, while other areas are not, because it was a combination of skin care requires special attention. Oily skin areas treated with care for oily skin and dry or normal skin area treated in accordance with the skin type.

D. Abnormalities SKIN

Skin disorders that are often experienced by women, usually covering on pallid gland disorders such as acne (acne) and blackheads, skin disorders because plants, disorders due to pigmentation disorders, disorders due to fungal infection, premature aging and allergic disorders. Abnormalities in the pallid gland include:

a. Acne (acne)

Problem most often occurs on oily skin is acne, although it was likely occur in other skin types. Basically acne is caused by the growth of dirt and dead skin cells resulting in the follicle and sebum stunted growth. Oil production in the skin is usually channeled through the hair follicles. Dirt or dead skin cells that clog the channels will not be cleared until the oil out will accumulate and become blackheads. If exposed to the bacteria of acne, blackheads will become acne.

Symptoms of acne: increased production of sebum, the emergence of abnormal conditions due to bacteria or fungi, tissue thickening sometimes be a small bump, the increase in the hormone estrogen.

In particular, acne is not treated will experience swelling (enlarged and reddish), termed inflamed or papule.

If the inflammation gets worse, the white blood cells begin to rise to the surface of the skin in the form of pus (pus), acne is called bernanh or pastules.

When Cyst not maintained, then the collagen tissue will be damaged to the dermis layer, so that the skin / face became pockmarked (Scar).

Some of the factors causing the problems or abnormalities in the gland pallid skin or acne are: genetics, age and sex, food, food digestive disorders, food allergies, mechanical, climatic, psychological, hormonal factors, and cosmetics.

Skin care facial skin care is different from other body parts, because the parts of the face pollution levels are higher than other body skin. Face has many sebaceous glands and sweat, so if the hot weather will easily sweat, sticky and rough. Facial treatments to prevent the onset of acne can be done in the following way: wipe the face 3 times a day, avoid rubbing the face roughly as it can cause irritation, avoid the face of dust or other debris because it will be easier sticky, choose a foundation that contains water, use powder blushes to the skin by using a powder puff or pad clean, do not massage or issuing their own acne, as it can lead to infection, wear heavy makeup to cover acne can lead to infection and stimulate increased acne, multiply to consume foods that contain antioxidants, and limit your intake of saturated fat in everyday food such as durian, avocado, peanuts and chocolate.

b. Blackheads

Blackheads is the scientific name of the pores are clogged. Blackheads are fatty blockages that came from the production of our body fat. Blackheads as a form of acne onset form clumps or masses of sebum clogged inside the channel arrangement pilosebaseus. Sebum is produced by sebaceous glands of the skin glands are sebaceous glands. When dead skin cells and excess oil glands in the skin is not cleaned, the dead cells accumulate in the skin, the oil on the skin surface and then shut down the skin cells, then there was a blockage. Blackheads form consists of:

- Open comedones (read :black head), characterized by: blob sebum look like black dots on the skin surface, the surface is not covered by skin epithelium, in direct contact with the outside air causing oxidation and pigmentation.

Black head associated with the air outside, is open and can go out alone.

- Closed comedones (white head), characterized by: a mass of sebum looks like yellowish white bumps under the skin's surface, its surface covered by the epithelium of the skin, do not relate to the air outside.

Whitehead can’t be out alone because it is covered by a thin skin layer, or epithelium.

c. Pigmentation Disorders skin color is determined by various factors, the most important is the amount of melanin pigment of skin, blood circulation, the thickness of the horny layer and the substances other than the color of blood and melanin ie kalogen. Under normal circumstances, melanin is produced regularly by melanocyte cells. Melanin, besides giving color to the skin, it also serves to protect the skin from sun exposure can damage the structure of the skin, and the skin becomes dark. Melanin is very useful to protect the skin against ultraviolet light irradiation. The formation of melanin pigment is stimulated by ultraviolet light.

Abnormalities in the process of formation of the skin pigment melanin, namely:

c.1. Melanosis

One melanosis disease is melasma (chloasma), namely the existence of patches of blackish brown (hyperpigmentation) on the skin of the face is very distinctive as in the cheeks, forehead and upper lip. Melasma often arise due to pregnancy, birth control pills, use of cosmetics and sun. Melasma due to pregnancy, may disappear after delivery. Melasma as cosmetics occurs because photosensitizing by certain substances such as bleaching agents. This substance causes the skin more susceptible to ultra-violet light, making them easier and faster form of melanin.

 source :desputrohome, (remove , and replace with .)

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